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About portrait photography

the love to capture the sparkles of life


Special family portraits,

the cutie smile of a wobbely toddler,

teens on their growth to nearly adulthood, 

Beautiful Baby Bellies and the proud parents with their newborn


Whether in the homely Amara-Studio or on location, we will have relaxed FUN together, taking your photos!


Amara Photos knows about the lighting, different poses and how to make a picture work artistically.

During the shoot we will ensure you will bring your best face forward. And of course, let's incorporate your ideas in the photos!


The photo shoot will be a creative interaction between you and your loved ones in front of the camera and the photographer.

Taking the  time to create your unique photos, we don't watch the clock by the minute doing so. 

It's all about * Your Photos with a signature elegance * focus on you and Sparkling Smiles * Capturing the special moments and events in your life


Little Stars
cutie babies & Toddlers


The tiny, tiny, tiny hands and feets


Their sweet dreams, the wondering gaze of the eyes taking in the world,


The cutie yawn turning into that beautiful smile.


The admiration of the proud parents looking at their little wonder.


The first wobbly steps


Amara Photos just can't stop photographing when she's around the little cute babies & toddlers!


Little Princess
Loves to Dazzle!


Good chance that your daughter loves to dress up as a Princess.

We bet her favorite color probably is ... Pink...


She is naturally drawn towards her moms handbags, shoes, jewellery and make-up...


Strike the Pose - she loves to smile into the camera.

You can have a lovely mom-daughter moment preparing for the photo shoot.


To select together a wide range of clothes to bring!


Combined with the additional glittering girly accessiores of Amara:

all is in place to give your Royal Higness a wonderful mini-model experience!


For a ball that lasts a lifetime,  Amara Photos will capture your Little Princess at her best.


Little Hero
Boys will be boys



Boys will be boys - as the saying goes.

Boys & their Toys is an other one.

So let your boy bring some of his favorite toys

And the shirt of his favorite sports team : )

He will be dreading to stand still and pose....

So we don't do that.
We will let him run, jump and play - having fun!


Amara Photos loves to to photograph the dyamic energy and genuine smiles of joy of your Little Hero!



The circle of life seems to be in

a fast forward mode these days


Blinck twice with your eyes

and you will find:


your Sweet Little One turned 'overnight'

into a Trendy Teen....


Let Amara Photos Freeze some special moments of their young life.


"We love the photos! Thank you so much!
My cousin wants a session too. When do you have time?"


Photo shoot at Amara's homely studio in Lima, Perú

Mery - Proud sister and super proud aunt of Gia and Joselyn 


Interested in portrait photography by Amara Photos?
Will be happy to hear from you!


Yes, I am from Holland.

Yes, I love cheese

However, there are much better ways to capture

your real smile than to say Cheeeeese!



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