Photo Accreditation
Photos are to be seen, enjoyed and shared along.
To preserve the pureness of the image, I forgo using watermarks and instead trust that we can uphold a win-win 'tag' usage when our images are used. It's simple - I accredit you, you accredit AmaraPhotos!
No Watermarking
just faith in proper usage of our images
When it comes to usage rights, I trust that people will respect simple courtesy guidelines. By this I mean to say that proper accreditation will be provided when images are publicly shared.
No matter how much I like my logo, I loath watermarks. Nothing should interfere with or distract from the visual story of a photo.
Sharing with Benefits
just tag or link to AmaraPhotos
Photos are to be seen and enjoyed, and I love it when mine are shared—with proper accreditation.
I was raised with 'Honor whom honor is due.' I don't think that is old-fashioned, and in fact nowadays it's even easier to do with a link, #hashtag or by sending a digital file of the print the photo(s) are used. I will share it again on my social media, so it's an upwards spinning win-win for all parties involved!
So, against many well-meaning business advisers, I still don't fixate my logo in the images because I trust clients to use proper accreditation to AmaraPhotos.
Social Media Sharing
Those who love to share my images (for personal, non-commercial purposes) preferably share using the social media sharing options that appear in your personal photo gallery link.
If you share an image by first downloading it and then uploading, accompany the photo with 'by' as accreditation.
Please send me the link to where you post the images -
so I can cross link to it : )
Usage for Print
At editorial usage, externally or internally, accreditation like 'Images by AmaraPhotos' or 'Photography by' is fine.
If my work is featured in print editorials, I'd love to add it to my portfolio of 'Featured work.' Please send me a PDF of the editorial in high resolution so I can share my work and your publication.
Love the feel of paper, so when possible I'd appreciate the gesture of receiving a hard copy.
contact me for the right file for larger prints
Note: for print there are some technical specs. Basically, the images on your gallery link are suitable for up to A4 paper, more or less. For larger prints, or in media, let me know so I can provide you the right file (size, color space, file type).
I'm more than happy to provide the right file for the right job.
Encantada de la Vida!
Enjoying Life
Motto since my backpacking days,
with the intent to keep that up till my last granny days